Managing Mac OS Updates With Nudge App


Nudge app for Jamf is a tool designed to keep MacOS updates current. Users are first given gentle reminders with a pop-up window. They have the option to update their device or defer to a later time. After a predetermined deadline has been met, the deferral option is removed and only the update device button is available.

The Nudge app, launch agent, and configuration profile are pushed out and installed, without user interaction, from the Jamf console.

Here is what the update box looks like:

If the user clicks on the “I Understand” button, the defer options are listed as a drop-down menu in the lower right corner of the window.

  • Later (30 minutes)
  • One Hour
  • One Day (24 hours)
  • Custom (Available if deadline is more than 36 hours away)

Selecting a deferral option closes the reminder window and returns the user to their desktop.

The user is allowed to defer updates until the deadline for update is within 12 hours. On the day that happens, the reminder window pops up, the desktop is completely blurred out and locked. The user is forced to click on the "Update Device" button.

Clicking on the "Update Device" button closes the reminder window, returns access to the desktop, and transfers control to the Software Updates app in MacOS. The update process continues as usual.

*** The user can still close the Software Updates window and return to using their computer without running the update(s). However, the reminder window will reappear, and the desktop will be locked again, every 30 minutes until the user runs updates and matches the required OS version.




Article ID: 147660
Tue 11/8/22 10:14 AM
Wed 7/19/23 10:33 PM