ALL USERS: How do I log in to a registered Poll Everywhere poll?


Follow these steps to log in to a "registered" Poll Everywhere poll.


Poll everywhere is a platform that can be used to create and take surveys for quizzes, training assessments, presentations and more. In order to participate in an already created, or “registered,” Poll Everywhere poll, you must log in.

Follow these steps to join the poll:

  1. Click on the provided Poll Everywhere link of the “registered” poll.
  2. You will be prompted to Log In. Click the log in button.
     A screenshot saying that pre-registration is required and participants must log in.
  3. Next, type in your BSU email address and click Next.
    A screenshot of the Poll Everywhere login prompt.
  4. Click “Log in with Bridgewater State University.”
    A screenshot of the prompt to login using BSU credentials.
  5. If you are prompted to log in through BSU, type in your BSU email address or password as prompted to complete the sign-in process. 
    A screenshot of Bridgewater State University's login prompt.
  6. You are now logged into the “registered” poll and may begin.



Article ID: 154185
Mon 9/11/23 9:33 AM
Tue 5/28/24 3:45 PM