FACULTY: Blackboard Course/Zoom Recording Retention Policy


The official BSU Blackboard Course/Zoom Recording Retention Policy



With the growing use of the learning management system (Blackboard) and web-conferencing system (Zoom) for online courses and as a supplement to face-to-face courses at Bridgewater State University, the question of what to do with all the archived data, course sites, and recordings must be addressed. Limited space within the Blackboard learning management system and Zoom web-conferencing system mandate the need for a policy that can provide access to recent course sites and recordings without increasing storage costs for the University.  

This policy outlines how Bridgewater State University annually archives and removes Blackboard course sites and removes Zoom meeting recordings.


For purposes of this policy, unless otherwise stated, the following definitions shall apply:

  • Archive: Complete record of the course stored offline for retention of student work.
  • Course Site: Space created within Blackboard that is specific to a single course being offered during a specific semester.
  • Offline: Data storage for archive purposes and not accessible.
  • Restoration: Offline data restored to the production Blackboard servers so that it is accessible.

What Gets Archived?

  • Blackboard Course Sites: After a course ends, the site remains accessible to students for 2 years. After 2 years, the site is archived (saved offline) and removed from Blackboard. Archived sites can be restored for 3 years by contacting the Teaching & Technology Center (TTC) at ttc@bridgew.edu.
  • Zoom Meeting Recordings: Recordings are deleted after 6 months. Information Technology does not retain archives of Zoom meeting recordings. The BSU community is responsible for downloading any recordings they wish to keep. 


How to Archive Your Own Materials

  • Blackboard Course Site (Ultra):
    1. Go to your course site.
    2. Click the "..." menu next to the magnifying glass in the Content tab.
    3. Select "Export Course Package".
    4. Choose with or without student data.
    5. Download the generated .zip file.
  • Blackboard Course Site (Original):
    1. Go to your course site.
    2. Under "Control Panel", navigate to "Packages and Utilities" and select "Export/Archive Course".
    3. Click "Archive Course" and "Submit".
    4. Download the generated .zip file after receiving the completion email.
  • Zoom Meeting Recordings:
    1. Download the recording from your Zoom account.
    2. Store the downloaded recording on your BSU OneDrive.


Each May, faculty will be notified via email about upcoming archiving of Blackboard courses (2+ years old) and deletion of Zoom recordings (6+ months old).


For assistance with archiving or any questions, contact Information Technology at itsupport@bridgew.edu.



Article ID: 156401
Fri 1/12/24 2:10 PM
Thu 1/2/25 9:50 AM