Website: How do I become a BridgeNet Information Provider?


To ensure an accurate online presence on BridgeNet, each department that maintains a Communication Site must have a person or persons responsible for the content of that site. SharePoint Information Providers (SPIPs) are those BSU employees or students who are authorized to update site content.


To ensure an accurate online presence on BridgeNet, each department that maintains a Communication Site must have a person or persons responsible for the content of that site. SharePoint Information Providers (SPIPs) are those BSU employees or students who are authorized to update site content.

To become a SPIP, you must complete the following steps:

1. Apply online

Become an Information Provider - Visit this page on BridgeNet, review the IP Terms of Use Agreement and complete an online application. Your new application will be sent to your department head for approval. Once your department head approves your request, your access permission will be configured. You are required to start your SharePoint training online via the IP Support Center. Please see the Learn SharePoint section below.

2. Learn SharePoint

Please start your training online at the IP Support Center. Here we offer access to Online Training for Information Providers as well as Guidelines for Getting Started. The content on these pages will provide additional instructions as needed.