The instructions below are for personal devices only. If you are using a BSU issued laptop, please submit a ticket to
If a user is asked for a product key in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc) we do not use product keys. To resolve this issue do the following:
- Open one of the Office Suite programs
- The Activate Office message will come up. Select the option for Sign in with Active Account. This may be an initial option, but if the dialog provides a box for a product key, a link for Sign in with Active Account is above the product key field.
- An Activate Office Dialog will open with a field to enter an email. Enter your full BSU email address.

- The page will reload and ask if this is a Personal account or Work or School Account. Click Work or School Account
- It will then open the BSU Login page. Enter your BSU email and password into the fields and click Enter.
- A loading screen will come up and Office will Authenticate.
Remember: Each account only can have licenses for five PCs, Macs, tablets, or smartphones in total. If they have gone over their license allowance they will not be able to activate office. See Deactivate an Office 365 install
If Office isn't initially asking for a product key or login you can manually open the dialog by going to File, then Account , then under License Options select Activate Product.