Wireless Network: Connecting Windows 10 Devices


To connect your Windows 10 computer/device to the BSU_Wireless WiFi network, please follow these steps:

  1. Select the Network icon in the System Tray (the section at the end of the main toolbar that displays the date/time and icons for running services like sound options, battery life, etc.) The icon that appears will depend on your current connection state, but may look like a globe, a signal strength indicator, or a rectangle with a cable. If you don’t see one of the described network icons (or anything indicating network connectivity as you hover over the ones that appear), select the Up arrow (show hidden icons) to see if it it's hidden.
  2. Choose BSU_Wireless from the list of available networks, then select Connect.
  3. If prompted about connecting to the network in the right location, click Connect (you should only connect to BSU_Wireless On Campus)
  4. When prompted, enter your BSU Username and Password
  5. Wait for connection to complete



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