Online Work Order

HOW-TO: Get Started on School Dude for Campus Work Orders

Use this link to access the online School Dude Work Order Form.

1. Visit the Facilities Management webpage by searching on the Bridgenet “Sites” tab, or click here
2. Scroll down to find the Services grid, and select “School Dude Work Order Form” on the top left: 
3. This will bring you to a SchoolDude login page – if you have a preexisting account, simply use 
your BSU email and SchoolDude password to login. 
4. If you are new to SchoolDude, click “Never Submitted a SchoolDude Request?”
a. The account number should pre-populated (if it doesn’t, it is 451916842). 
b. Fill out the rest of your personal information, using your BSU phone number (if 
applicable), BSU email address, and a safe password of your choosing. 
c. Click Register. 
d. Then, log in using the email and password you signed up with. 
5. You should load into a page that says “Welcome to BSU Facilities Management & Planning 
Request Page…”
6. Fill in the information as needed; your contact information in Step 1 should auto-populate with 
what you used when you first signed up. 
7. Fill in as many details as you can for Steps 2 through 7. 
8. If you have images relevant to the Work Order, you can attach them in Step 9. 
9. In Step 10, please input the submittal password: gobears
10. Click “Submit.”