Additional Occupancy

Additional Occupancy

In instances, where there is a high demand for on-campus living, a number of rooms are designated to have a temporary additional occupant.

  • Students that reside within an additional occupancy room receive a 20 percent rebate on the housing costs for the period of additional occupancy.
    • This rebate appears as a credit on the students’ bill after the students in that room are offered the opportunity to move to permanent spaces.
    • As residents withdraw from housing, students residing in additional occupancy rooms are made offers to move to permanent room assignments.
    • The need for additional occupancy has historically been eliminated in the spring semester.
  • When offered a permanent assignment, residents of additional occupancy rooms may agree to remain together as a voluntary additional occupancy room.
    • The 20 percent rebate ends at the time residents are offered permanent spaces.
    • Students may choose this option by completing and signing a voluntary additional occupancy form provided by the Office of Residence Life and Housing.