NOTE: The following is the language from the 2024-2025 residence hall license agreement that every resident student agrees to prior to receiving their housing assignment.
The Office of Residence Life & Housing is so excited to have you commit to live on campus for the 2023- 2024 academic year. Please be sure to read through this document thoroughly to fully understand the terms and conditions listed within this agreement. All students must sign the Residence Hall License Agreement before participating in the room assignment process. Bridgewater State University (“University”), under the jurisdiction of the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education, hereby agrees to grant a right of use and occupancy of one residence hall space to the agreeing student (“Resident”), for the full academic year, in consideration of the Resident maintaining themselves as a student in good standing at the University, as defined in the University and residence rules, regulations and policies, and to comply fully with any of the following terms and conditions listed in this Residence Hall License Agreement (“Agreement”). TERMS AND CONDITIONS
1. AGREEMENT PERIOD: This Agreement is for the full academic year (Fall and Spring semesters) unless modified by a Supplemental License Agreement, or unless the Resident is released from this Agreement in accordance with Section 12, or this Agreement is canceled or terminated as specified in Section 13 of this Agreement. This Agreement shall terminate on the last day of the Spring semester. This Agreement does not grant the Resident residency during University vacations/breaks or during any emergency closure. Please consult the University calendar posted in the Residence Hall Handbook or on the University website for vacation/break periods. Each resident will be held responsible for the complete financial obligations prescribed to the Resident by this Agreement, or the pro-rated balance if the student is accepted as a resident after the start thereof, or except as otherwise outlined in the Agreement.
2. HOUSING ELIGIBILITY: To be eligible to move into campus housing, Residents must be enrolled and show credits in progress with the Registrar's Office, and must be without academic, disciplinary, or other infractions warranting exclusion from granting residency. Residents will not be able to move into their campus residence hall until they are registered for at least one credit.
3. FINANCIAL OBLIGATION: The Resident will not be allowed to take residence in a University residence hall unless and until all financial obligations have been paid in full on or before the applicable due dates. Failure to pay obligations by the date indicated on the statement of charges may result in the loss of residence hall space. All room fees, meal plan rates and additional housing fees are subject to change during the period of the Agreement upon approval of the Board of Trustees. Residents who wish to reside on campus in the residence halls have the financial obligation to pay all charges by the semester bill due date. Residents who utilize loans and financial aid to assist 2 with paying their bill should visit the Financial Aid Office to discuss costs and financial aid to ensure that the financial obligations are met in full.
4. ACCEPTANCE OF THIS AGREEMENT: The signature of the Resident or the acceptance of the Agreement on the electronic form signifies that the Resident has read and understands the terms and conditions of this Agreement and agrees to abide by and be bound by all terms and policies specified in this Agreement and each and every other policy or regulation issued by the University regarding residential living, as well as the Student Code of Conduct.
5. HOUSING DEPOSIT: A $250 housing deposit and a signed Agreement are required to be considered for a room assignment. The housing deposit will be credited to the Resident’s account as a pre-payment for the semester the resident begins living on campus. Residents who withdraw from the residence halls at any point after depositing forfeit their housing deposit. Residents will also incur a housing cancellation fee as described in Sections 12, 13, and 14 of this Agreement.
6. OCCUPANCY: “Occupancy” is defined by the first issuance of card access for the assigned movein period to the Resident for a specified room and does not require actual physical presence by the Resident and/or their possessions. This Agreement does not convey any tenancy or other property interest to the Resident; it creates a licensor/licensee relationship subject to the terms and conditions stated in this Agreement. The residence halls are considered the University’s private property, reserved for the exclusive use of the Residents, approved guests, and authorized University personnel. Residents may occupy their assigned space from the date designated as the opening of University housing to the date designated as the end of each semester in the University’s academic calendar, except for vacation/break periods that require additional supplemental agreement and fee.
7. FAILURE TO PAY REQUIRED FEES: The University reserves the right to refuse to register the Resident as a resident or grant housing for any future semesters in the event that any of the fees required herein remain overdue or unpaid. The University also reserves the right to withhold their degree from the Resident for so long as any such fees remain overdue or unpaid.
8. MEAL PLAN REQUIREMENT: All Residents, excluding Residents assigned to the Great Hill Student Apartments, are required to select, and maintain a meal plan for the entire duration of this Agreement. Residents have the option of selecting the Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, or Sapphire Meal Plan. For Residents who are assigned to live in the Great Hill Student Apartments, they can choose to not have a meal plan, or select any of the available plans. Please note that meal plans and costs are subject to change. Questions or concerns regarding meal plans should be addressed to the Parking Services and Connect Card Office.
9. HEALTH FORMS: All Residents are required to have on file with the Wellness Center, a Health and Counseling form, which includes a photocopy of the Residents’ complete immunization record. Documentation of meningitis immunity is required for all new Residents. All Residents are also required to provide proof of comprehensive health insurance coverage annually. Contact the Wellness Center for specific information. Residents that fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this section will not be permitted to reside on campus. 3 AGREEMENT TERMINATION & REFUND TERMS
10. REFUND ON HOUSING DEPOSIT: The housing deposit is non-refundable unless the University is unable to provide a space after accepting the deposit or the University grants a Resident’s petition for a deposit refund. Residents who withdraw or are required to withdraw from the residence halls forfeit their housing deposit. Residents who can demonstrate extenuating circumstances can petition for a refund of the housing deposit. Residents will also incur a housing cancellation fee based on the cancellation fee schedule provided in Section 14 of this Agreement.
11. REFUND ON ROOM AND MEAL PLAN CHARGES: Residents who withdraw or are required to withdraw from the University will be refunded room and meal plan charges in accordance with the University’s Refund Policy, which can be found here. Residents who withdraw from the residence halls during the academic year remain responsible for the fees for the Agreement's term. Residents may petition for a release from the Agreement if they can demonstrate an inability to fulfill the terms of the Agreement due to extenuating circumstances. Please see Section 12 below. Residents who deposit for housing and choose to withdraw from housing or are forced to withdraw, but choose to remain at the University, will be subject to the cancellation fee listed below in Section 14. Fees associated with living on campus (ResNet fee, Resident Student Fee, Building Maintenance Fee, and Laundry Fee) are not refunded if a Resident withdraws from housing after moving into their assigned space.
12. RESIDENT INITIATED AGREEMENT RELEASES: A Resident may be released from this Agreement without incurring a housing cancellation fee by providing documentation to the Office of Residence Life & Housing demonstrating the following circumstances:
- Graduation from the University
- Withdrawal from the University
- Transfers to another institution A Resident student that remains enrolled at the University may be released from this Agreement without incurring a housing cancellation fee by providing documentation to the Office of Residence Life & housing demonstrating the following circumstances:
- Acceptance into a Fall or Spring semester study abroad program through the University
- Placement into a student teaching position
- Placement into an academic internship program
- Active military obligation
Resident students seeking to be released from their License Agreement for reasons outside of those listed directly above will be held to the terms of the license agreements as described below: Housing withdrawal during University Refund Policy timeline: A Resident may request a release from this Agreement during the University’s published refund period, at the beginning of the first semester within the duration of this Agreement. If granted, the room deposit is forfeited, a cancellation fee is applied, and the 4 Resident is responsible for room related and food service plan charges in accordance with the refund policy of the University. Housing withdrawal outside of the University Refund Policy timeline: If a student petitions for release from this Agreement after the University’s published refund period, and the petition is granted, the housing charges will be prorated to the last date of residence hall occupancy to the Resident, the housing deposit will be forfeited, and a cancellation fee will be applied as described in Section 14. Charges will not be adjusted until the Resident has completed a check out of their room with a staff member from Residence Life & Housing. A Resident may petition for release from this Agreement at the end of the fall semester. If granted, the Resident will not be responsible for the spring semester room and food service charges.
Petition Guidelines:
- To be released from this Agreement, the Resident must demonstrate an inability to fulfill the terms of the Agreement due to extenuating circumstances impacting the Resident.
- The Resident must submit the electronic petition form along with a personal statement written by the Resident and supporting documentation, which clearly demonstrates why the Resident is requesting a release from the Agreement.
- There are 2 categories (listed below) that will be considered for release, the Resident must provide documentation as outlined on the Electronic Petition Form found on the Residence Life & Housing website:
- Financial reasons
- Medical/Psychological reasons Only the Resident may petition for an exception. Petitions will not be accepted from any other individual on behalf of the Resident.
13. UNIVERSITY INITIATED AGREEMENT TERMINATION: Upon reasonable notice and for cause, the University reserves the right to terminate this Agreement at any time. Examples of cause include, but are not limited to:
- failure to make payment of required charges by announced deadlines
- a change in student status, including academic or disciplinary sanctions
- failure to register for at least one course per semester
- failure to attend classes
- failure to comply with local, state or federal laws and regulations, residence hall policies and regulations of the University
- failure to admit an official or agent of the University for reasonable inspection of the room for health, safety or sanitation standards ▪ failure to comply with the direction or order issued by any official or agent of the University
- illegal possession, sale, or use of drugs
- tampering with life safety equipment or otherwise endangering the safety and/or security of other residents
- failure to occupy the assigned space before the established deadlines for each semester 5
- Violations of Code of Student Conduct or Residence Hall Policies & Procedures
Should this Agreement be terminated, the Resident will be required to vacate the residence hall within 48 hours unless special permission, in writing, has been obtained from the Director of Residence Life and Housing or a designee. In the event the Resident does not vacate within the allowed time period, room access will be cancelled, and any property of the student remaining in the residence hall room or building may be treated as abandoned property or stored and held under limited access. All charges for removal, disposal and storage will be assessed to the Resident. Termination for any of the above reasons will result in the Resident being liable for all charges assessed during the term of this Agreement. The resident will not receive any refund for current or future semester housing fees except as specified in the University’s refund policy. The Resident will forfeit their housing deposit, will be financially responsible for any room damages and will be required to properly check out with a residence hall staff member. Residents who deposit for housing and choose to withdraw but choose to remain at the University will be subject to the cancellation fee listed below in Section 14. The University’s exercise of any remedy, including the termination of this Agreement, shall not be taken to exclude or waive the right to exercise any other right or remedy which the University may have.
14. HOUSING CANCELLATION FEE: Students who deposit for housing and choose not to live on campus will forfeit their housing deposit and incur a housing cancellation fee listed below. For Returning Residents: ▪ If cancellation is received between the date of the housing deposit is received and June 30, the Resident will forfeit their deposit and incur a $100 cancellation fee. ▪ If a cancellation is received between July 1 and July 31, the Resident will forfeit their deposit and incur a $200 cancellation fee. ▪ If a cancellation is received between August 1 and the assigned move-in day, the Resident will forfeit their deposit and incur a $300 cancellation fee. ▪ Residents who cancel after their assigned move-in period as established by the University, will forfeit their housing deposit and incur a $400 cancellation fee. For New Residents (newly admitted students): ▪ If a cancellation is received between date the housing deposit is made and their assigned move-in day, the Resident will forfeit their housing deposit and incur a $200 cancellation fee. ▪ Residents who cancel after the assigned move-in period will forfeit their housing deposit and receive a $400 cancellation fee. Residents Entering Housing for the Spring semester: ▪ If cancellation is received between date the housing deposit is received for the Spring semester and their assigned move-in date, the Resident will forfeit the housing deposit and incur a $200 cancellation fee. 6 ▪ Residents who cancel after move-in day will forfeit their housing deposit and incur a $400 cancellation fee. Fall to Spring Housing Cancellations: ▪ If a Resident’s housing petition is successfully granted, the student will forfeit their housing deposit and incur a $400 cancellation fee. Applicability For housing withdrawals received prior to move-in, the cancellation fee would only be applied to Residents who continue at the University, but do not remain in the residence halls. Any cancellation received after move-in will incur the cancellation fee. The housing cancellation fee would not be applied to Residents who leave between the Fall and Spring semesters if they request release from the Agreement for academic reasons, such as internships, student teaching, study abroad, or graduation. All students should review the most recent Student Handbook for all updated policies and regulations related to living on campus, and expectations of members of the BSU Community. USAGE TERMS AND CONDITIONS
15. NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY: The University prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, veteran status, marital status, parental status, disability, political belief or affiliation, sex/gender identity or expression, and/or genetic information in the assignment of persons as roommates.
16. BEHAVIOR: Residents are accountable for any behavior that infringes on individual and group rights, and/or jeopardizes the health and safety of individuals and property. All Residents must abide by the regulations in this Agreement, as well as University Policies (as found in the Student Handbook and Code of Conduct) and State regulations. Individual residence halls rules and regulations shall also be adhered to the extent to which they do not conflict with the terms of this Agreement. Violations of these regulations may result in the Resident's dismissal from the residence hall facility or other sanctions in accordance with University administrative procedures. Any Resident found in violation of University Policies or State regulations that lead to the termination of the Agreement may be held financially accountable to the terms of the license agreement as outlined in Section 13. 17. PUBLIC HEALTH MEASURES: Members of the University community are expected to comply with all mandates of the CDC, MDPH, and associated policies mandated by the University. The University will conform to all policies as required by federal, state, and local public health officials. The University reserves the right to change policies and procedures at any time in the interests of safeguarding public health. Failure to comply with all University implemented public health policies and procedures will result in removal from the residence hall community and forfeiture of all room and meal plan charges.
18. REASSIGNMENT OF ROOM: The University is unable to guarantee that preference and roommate requests will be honored and reserves the right to assign a Resident to another room or residence 7 hall at any time during the term of this Agreement for reasons deemed sufficient by the University. Should a Resident be reassigned to another room or building during the term of this Agreement, this Agreement will remain in effect and will apply to the new room assignment.
19. USE OF ROOM DURING VACATION/BREAK PERIODS: The University may, with prior notice to the Resident, use any residential rooms during vacation/break periods. The Resident agrees, upon reasonable notice, to remove personal belongings during any vacation periods or breaks when the University will use the room. In the event the resident does not remove their personal belongings for the vacation period and use of the room is needed any property of the student remaining in the residence hall room or building may be treated as abandoned property or stored and held under limited access. All charges for removal, disposal and storage will be assessed to the Resident.
20. RIGHT TO INCREASE OCCUPANCY: The University reserves the right to increase room occupancy, so long as such increase conforms to prevailing occupancy and health standards.
21. RIGHT TO RESTRICT ACCESS: The University reserves the right to restrict Residents’ access to buildings and areas of buildings. 22. PERSONAL PROPERTY: Residents are responsible for their personal belongings. Except as required by law, the University does not assume responsibility for loss of, or damage to, personal articles by fire, water, theft, or any other cause. Any property left in the residence hall when this Agreement expires will be determined to be abandoned after 48 hours and therefore the University could dispose of your items. It is strongly recommended that each Resident acquire insurance coverage for their property.
23. ALTERATION OF PREMISES: Residents shall not make any changes or alterations to any oncampus property. This shall include, but not be limited to, the addition or changing of any locks, removal of window screens, the alteration of the heating or lighting fixtures, or the painting of any surface. No University room furnishings may be altered from their intended design or removed from the room by the Resident or their guest(s). No common area furniture may be taken from the lounges or other areas and placed in Residents’ rooms or moved to other locations. No personal property may be stored in public areas.
24. DAMAGES: Residents are financially responsible for loss or damage to furnishings or equipment in the residence hall facility to which they are assigned. Residents will pay a Building Maintenance Fee each semester that is utilized to cover the costs of small instances of excess mess, damage, and vandalism in public common spaces within their assigned residence hall. When repeat offenses or intentionally malicious or destructive damage occurs to any part of the public area of the residential community (for example hallway, lounges, bathrooms), all Residents of the living community will be notified and held mutually financially responsible for the cost of the repair. Residents will be individually billed for the replacement or repair of any University property they are found to have damaged or lost. Residents are also held responsible for the behavior of their guests and all activities originating from their assigned room.
25. ACCESS CARDS: Residents are provided access to their room on their Connect Card at the time of occupancy at no charge. If a Connect Card is lost, the residents should report the lost card to the 8 Parking Services and Connect Card Office and the Office of Residence Life & Housing. A replacement fee will be charged for a lost card. It is the responsibility of all Residents to keep their Connect Cards with them at all times. Residents are prohibited from tampering with the locks.
26. RIGHT TO ENTER RESIDENTIAL HALL ROOMS: Authorized University personnel may enter residential rooms without notice for the following reasons: maintenance and housekeeping purposes; health and safety inspections; inspection for damage, break and closing inspections; to show a prospective student the residential room; to deliver confidential or sensitive communication between the University and the Resident; and for other emergency purposes, including but not limited to a sufficient reason to believe that an occupant of the room may be physically harmed or endangered, or University property is being endangered. The University also reserves the right to enter any residence hall space if there is a reasonable cause to believe that a violation of University policies or regulations is taking place. If there is some specific reason to suspect that a criminal offense has taken place or that evidence of such an offense may be secured in a room, University personnel will enter the room only with a Resident’s permission or pursuant to a warrant. If in the course of any entry being made pursuant to this section, illegal or restricted materials are found in plain view, the materials will be removed, and the affected Resident(s) will be notified of the confiscation and face possible disciplinary proceeding.
27. PETS: For health and safety reasons, no animals or pets, with the exception of approved service/assistance animals and tropical fish, or goldfish, are permitted within the residence halls or apartments, unless otherwise permitted by the Director of Residence Life and Housing, or designee.
28. SOLICITATIONS: Non-University related commercial activities, solicitations, fundraising activities, or advertisements are not permitted in the buildings or on the grounds of the University residence halls. Residents shall not operate a business or other commercial enterprise from their residence hall room or any other part of the campus. Residents requesting to host a fundraiser within the residence halls should contact the Office of Residence Life and Housing for approval. Residents wishing to advertise BSU sponsored programs and events should contact the Office of Residence Life and Housing for further information.
ACCEPTANCE OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS I, THE RESIDENT, BY SUBMISSION OF MY ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE, CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTOOD THE CONDITIONS OF THIS RESIDENCE HALL LICENSE AGREEMENT AS CONTAINED HEREIN, AND INDICATE MY AGREEMENT TO COMPLY THEREWITH. FURTHERMORE, I CERTIFY THAT I WILL ABIDE AND BE BOUND BY THE REGULATIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT AS WELL AS UNIVERSITY AND STATE REGULATIONS. PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE: Any Resident who is not eighteen (18) years of age as of the date of their signing of this Agreement, in addition to submission of this Agreement electronically, must print and return Under 18 Parent Agreement found on the University’s website to the Office of Residence Life and Housing outlined on the form.