Use this form to request financial reports, class lists, email, phone and address lists, etc. from the Raiser's Edge database.
Brief description of the project (i.e. mailing list for Bridgewater Magazine; email list for class reunion, etc.)
Type of Request
How will this list be used? (i.e. NetCommunity email, regular mail, class survey)
Type of Request
Please be specific regarding the information you need. (i.e. - all undergraduate Psychology majors 1996-2006)

Alumni Standard Output - First, Middle, Last, Class Year, Street Address, City, State, Zip, Email 1, Cell Phone, Home Phone, Solicit Codes.

Development Standard Output - First, Middle, Last, Class Year, Street Address, City, State, Zip, Email 1, Cell Phone, Home Phone, Solicit Codes, Last 3 Gifts (Date, Amount, Type, Fund), Lifetime Giving, Prospect Manager.

Use this section to add additional output or instructions.
Will this list be used for a financial solicitation? (i.e. Is the primary purpose to ask for a donation to a fund?)
The due date indicates the date that the work on the ticket is to be completed. If the ticket has estimated hours associated, the due date is the end of the resource allocation range.
File attachments associated with the ticket.

Other Fields

Your name