The Living Learning Communities (LLCs) program at BSU aims to support student learning by encouraging academic achievement through connection to faculty, staff, like-minded peers and targeted programming. LLCs work to provide a structure that students can use to grow and develop into engaged citizens within the University and global community. These communities give students the opportunity to connect their academic goals with their co-curricular interests.
Students who elect to participate the Lavender LLC, The Music Majors & Minors LLC, the First-Year Honors LLC or the Upper-Level Honors LLC will be required to form a roommate group within the same LLC or will be placed with other students in the same LLC.
Students who elect to take part in the Music Majors or Minors LLC can elect to live with others within that respective LLC. The upper-level LLC students will live in Weygand Hall in a pod of three and first-year LLC students will live in Pope Hall.