Employment & Involvement

Information about residence hall programming, staffing, student employment opportunities, & resources.

Categories (9)

Residence Hall Association (RHA)

The Residence Hall Association (RHA) is one of the campus' largest student-run organizations. RHA is the voice of the residence hall community and is a great initial involvement opportunity for any resident students. All resident students are officially members of RHA by way of paying their semesterly resident student fee.

Resident Assistant (RA) Position

Information about the Resident Assistant (RA) position. Learn about the RA job description, position compensation, working hours, and other details about this student employment position.

National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH)

The BRISTACO Chapter of the National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) is comprised of resident student leaders on campus who are committed to providing recognition to students, staff, faculty, organizations, and programs that go above and beyond for our residence hall community. NRHH's two organizational values are service and recognition, in which the organization incorporates as membership requirements.

Living Learning Communities (LLCs)

The Living Learning Communities (LLCs) program at BSU aims to support student learning by encouraging academic achievement through connection to faculty, staff, like-minded peers and targeted programming. LLCs work to provide a structure that students can use to grow and develop into engaged citizens within the University and global community.​ These communities give students the opportunity to connect their academic goals with their co-curricular interests.

Students who elect to participate the Lavender LLC, The Music Majors & Minors LLC, the First-Year Honors LLC or the Upper-Level Honors LLC will be required to form a roommate group within the same LLC or will be placed with other students in the same LLC.

Students who elect to take part in the Music Majors or Minors LLC can elect to live with others within that respective LLC. The upper-level LLC students will live in Weygand Hall in a pod of three and first-year LLC students will live in Pope Hall.

Theme Communities

Theme communities are communities where groups of residents can live together who have similar interests and goals, but do not have to include an associated academic course component.

Residential Safety Assistant (RSA) Position

Residential Safety Assistants (RSAs) are undergraduate students that provide safety & security at residence hall entrances when classes are in session. RSAs sign in visitors & serve as a resource for the residential community.

Office Assistants (OAs)

Office Assistants (OAs) are undergraduate students who provide administrative support to either the main office or residence life staff.

Program Assistants (PAs)

Program Assistants (PAs) are undergraduate students that plan specialized events for the living learning communities in the residence halls.

Graduate Assistants (GAs)

Residence Life & Housing currently hosts three Graduate Assistant positions: one Graduate Assistant Apartments Manager for the Great Hill Student Apartments, and two Living Learning Community (LLC) Graduate Assistants.