Wireless Network: Connecting an Android or Chromebook Device to BSU_Wireless

On your Chromebook/Android device:

  1. Select Settings

  2. Select Wi-Fi  

  3. Select BSU_Wireless from the list of available networks 

  4. The depicted dialog will appear 

  5. Verify that under EAP Method the option PEAP is selected 

  6. Verify that under Phase 2 authentication the option MSCHAPV2 is selected 

  7. Verify that under CA certificate the option Use System Certificates is selected. At this point your options should look exactly like the picture to the right.

  8. In the Identity field enter your BSU username (this is everything before the "@" symbol in your BSU email address)

  9. Enter bridgew.edu for the domain field

  10. Leave the Anonymous Identity blank 

  11. Enter your BSU Password in the Password field

  12. Select connect and your phone or tablet will connect to BSU_Wireless

Android WiFi connection dialog 


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