Network and Connectivity

Connecting to the BSU Wired and Wireless Network

Articles (14)

Pinned Article A list of BSU Wi-Fi networks

A brief description of the wireless networks commonly found across BSU.

Connecting to BSU_Wireless

Instructions for different devices on how to connect to BSU_Wireless

Teams: Voicemail Greeting

Changing Personal and Departmental greetings

Teams: Call Answering Rules

Call forward options

Teams: Call Transfer

Transferring a call in Microsoft Teams.

Teams: Inactive Group

Inactive Teams Group

Teams: Ringtones

Changing ringtones

Teams: Voicemail Access

Accessing personal and departmental voicemails

Connecting iOS Devices to BSU_Wireless

How to connect iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touch to the BSU_Wireless Network

Wireless Network: Connecting an Android or Chromebook Device to BSU_Wireless

This article goes over the WiFi settings necessary to connect Android and Chrome OS Devices to BSU_Wireless if the settings are not automatically set.