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- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Technology Center
- Faculty
- Padlet
This article explains how to grade on Padlet and sync grades back to Blackboard
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Technology Center
- Faculty
- Poll Everywhere
This article explains how to get started using Course Management in Poll Everywhere and Blackboard Ultra
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Technology Center
- Students
- Blackboard Ultra
This guide is designed to help students navigate the Blackboard Ultra learning management system. It covers essential tasks like submitting assignments, taking quizzes, accessing documents, checking grades, and participating in discussions.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Technology Center
- Faculty
- Blackboard Ultra
This article shows how to make your Blackboard Ultra course available or unavailable to students.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Technology Center
- Faculty
- Blackboard Ultra
If you'd like to either check a student paper for plagiarism, or use SafeAssign to obtain an originality report for your own work, you may follow these steps in Ultra
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Technology Center
- Faculty
- Blackboard Ultra
This guide helps part-time faculty at Bridgewater State University navigate Blackboard Ultra. Key features include personalizing course sites, creating assignments, and integrating Zoom. Faculty can enhance accessibility using the Blackboard Ally report and utilize AI tools for course design. Access a self-paced teaching essentials course after login for more information, along with resources in the TTC Knowledgebase and updates from Anthology.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Technology Center
This article will guide you on how to use the AI Conversation feature on Blackboard Ultra and create them for your students.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Technology Center
- Faculty
- Blackboard Ultra
This article will guide you on how to generate discussion questions using the AI Assistant feature on Blackboard Ultra.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Technology Center
This article will guide you on how to generate Journal questions using the AI Assistant feature on Blackboard Ultra.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Technology Center
- Faculty
- Blackboard Ultra
This article will get you started with generating learning modules and their associated images.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Technology Center
- Faculty
- Blackboard Ultra
Instructions for faculty who do not want students contacting them via messages in their Blackboard Course site.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Technology Center
- Faculty
- Blackboard Ultra
Discover how to rearrange and organize your Gradebook in Blackboard Ultra.
- Knowledge Base
- Service Catalog
This article contains a list of all the software we currently have installed on all open access lab computers and Windows Virtual Desktop.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Technology Center
- Faculty
- Blackboard Ultra
This article will get you started with generating test questions and question banks using generative AI.
- Knowledge Base
- Teaching and Technology Center
- Students
- Blackboard Ultra
The steps and videos below provide instructions on how to record videos and screen recordings on Padlet.