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Sometimes you may have several files to upload to your Blackboard course site. Rather than uploading a single document over and over, you can create a compressed .zip file and upload all the documents at once.
Blackboard allows you to "complete" a course, leaving it open for students but no longer allowing any submissions or editing.
Faculty can embed media from certain websites. These include: Panopto, VoiceThread, YouTube, Vimeo, Flipgrid, Quizlet, Soundcloud, VidGrid, Prezi, KhanAcademy, Spotify,, and NearPod. Each website will have its own process for sharing links.
Use the guidance in this article to learn how to add publisher content to your Blackboard Ultra courses.
This article will get you started with generating test questions and question banks using generative AI.
This KB article will get you started with generating rubrics.
This article provides guidance on how to reorder course content modules in Blackboard Ultra.
Learn how to add a banner image to your Blackboard Ultra course.
This article provides guidance on how to copy content from an existing Blackboard course site (course copy) into an Ultra course.
This article contains video links for the new Blackboard Ultra navigation.
Learn more about how to add new items and what items you can add to Blackboard Ultra.
Use these instructions to access your Blackboard Ally accessibility report.
This article will get you started with generating learning modules and their associated images.
This article provides guidance on how to add a custom course tile and banner image to Blackboard Ultra course sites, and how to properly select and format an image in Blackboard Ultra tiles.