FACULTY: ULTRA: How do I copy content into a Blackboard Ultra course site?

The process of copying course content in Ultra differs from the course copy function in Blackboard Original. Copying course content can be done whether the course is open or private.

1. Log into Blackboard and enter the Ultra course site that you wish to copy content into (this can be an empty site or one with previous content).

2. Click the course’s Content tab

Screenshot of Blackboard Ultra course template tabs

3. Click the Add Content button or the circled plus (+) icon within the content area and then click Copy Content to choose the source of the content you wish to copy.

Add Content button

Screenshot of Blackboard Ultra create and copy / import items menu

A panel will open listing the courses for that you currently have editing privileges.

4. Scroll to the desired course site. You can select the entire site or navigate to specific folders and items within. To copy an entire course site, check the box next to its name. For selective copying, click on the title or right-facing arrow and choose individual items or folders. Selecting a folder automatically includes all its contents.

Screenshot of Blackboard Ultra course listing

5. Select the content that you wish to have copied to the new Ultra site.

Screenshot of Blackboard Ultra folders 

Screenshot of Blackboard Ultra folders

TIP: you can navigate upward in the folder structure by using the ‘breadcrumb’ list that appears at the top of the folder/content listings.

Screenshot of Blackboard Ultra breadcrumb navigation

6. Once you select the content to copy and click Start Copy. Blackboard will return you to the Ultra course site.

Copying content animation screenshot

When the copy is complete, your copied content will be displayed in the Content section of the Ultra course site. By default, new content appears at the top of the listing. It can be rearranged at any time by clicking and dragging the items up and down in the course content window.

Screenshot of Blackboard Ultra content area

NOTE: Some content does not copy from Blackboard Original to Ultra in a consistent manner. To check for any possible conversion issues, select the Conversion Exceptions item from the left-side menu.

Blackboard Ultra "conversion exceptions" menu item screenshot

This will allow you to examine any possible formatting or elements.

Blackboard Ultra conversion details screenshot

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