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Learn more about how to add new items and what items you can add to Blackboard Ultra.
Use these Instructions to learn how to move content in your Blackboard Learn Ultra course.
Use these directions to add a resource directly from Maxwell Library into your Blackboard Ultra Course.
This article provides guidance on how to copy content from an existing Blackboard course site (course copy) into an Ultra course.
Use this guidance for questions about the auto spellcheck feature not operating within the Blackboard content editor.
If you want to download just the files from a course (or a subset of those files) without creating a Blackboard archive, you can follow these steps
EBSCO has provided us with a tool that allows to search for and embed resources from the library directly into your Blackboard course site.
Use these instructions when adding an image using the Blackboard content editor.
Use this article for guidance on uploading a syllabus to your Blackboard course site.
Use this article to discover how to use Blackboard statistical tools for confirming if students have viewed your assignments and content items.