FACULTY: ULTRA: How do I reorder course content modules?

How Do I Reorder Course Content Modules?

Organizing your course content is incredibly simple in Blackboard Ultra.

  1. Under the “Content” tab, click the (+) icon to create a new piece of content, including: Assignments, Tests, Discussions, Learning Modules, Folders, or inserting a link or other document. 
  2. Under the same menu, you can copy content, embed a Blackboard tool such as or Padlet, LinkedIn Learning, or ScreenPal by clicking “Content Market”, or insert a file from your computer or a cloud service like Google Drive.
  3. Reordering content is as easy as clicking and dragging. 
    • Entire Learning Modules and Folders can be dragged elsewhere. 
    • Items within folders can be reordered within it or moved to another folder entirely by clicking and dragging. 

For more information on creating and editing Course Content, see Blackboard Ultra’s webpage. Contact the TTC office at ttc@bridgew.edu for any other questions regarding Blackboard Ultra. 

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