Categories (10)

Articles (8)

FACULTY: How do I get started with using Virtual Reality in my courses?

Discover how you can get started in using Virtual Reality tools and apps in your classroom.

FACULTY: How do I scan my Word and PowerPoint documents for accessibility issues?

Discover how to scan your Word and PowerPoint documents for accessibility issues.

FACULTY: What is the Active Learning Classroom and how can I schedule my class there?

Discover what the Active Learning Classroom is and how to request the room for your classes.

FACULTY: How can I share a film or documentary with my students?

Use the details in this KB article to provide faculty with guidance on the steps to have a film or documentary placed on the Library's MAX Streaming Server for viewing in class or via Blackboard.

FACULTY: How do I learn my new BSU email password?

This article provides guidance on how new faculty receive their new email/password credentials.

FACULTY: How do I view photos of my students?

Use these instructions to guide faculty how to view photos of their students in Web for Faculty.