Categories (12)

Articles (10)

FACULTY: How do I get started in using Panopto?

This article provides links to both video and text-based tutorials on using the Panopto lecture capture system.

FACULTY: How do I get started with using Virtual Reality in my courses?

Discover how you can get started in using Virtual Reality tools and apps in your classroom.

FACULTY: How do I scan my Word and PowerPoint documents for accessibility issues?

Discover how to scan your Word and PowerPoint documents for accessibility issues.

FACULTY: Panopto Troubleshooting

Panopto is our classroom lecture capture solution here at BSU. If you'd like to set up a recording of a single class or a recurring capture, please contact with the name of the course and the room you teach in (Scheduled Recordings are currently available in Burnell 109, Hart 116 and 212, Maxwell 205, Harrington 204, and DMF 242).

FACULTY: What is the Active Learning Classroom and how can I schedule my class there?

Discover what the Active Learning Classroom is and how to request the room for your classes.

FACULTY: How can I share a film or documentary with my students?

Use the details in this KB article to provide faculty with guidance on the steps to have a film or documentary placed on the Library's MAX Streaming Server for viewing in class or via Blackboard.

FACULTY: How do I learn my new BSU email password?

This article provides guidance on how new faculty receive their new email/password credentials.

FACULTY: How do I view photos of my students?

Use these instructions to guide faculty how to view photos of their students in Web for Faculty.