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    Universal Print is a Microsoft app that allows Mac users to easily connect to campus printers from BSU-owned and personal Apple devices.
    Info regarding a WEPA kiosk printer error message "Collate Fail: Too Many Pages" and fails to print the print job.
    How to add printers to macOS computers
    When a student runs out of their $25 allocation, how can they add WEPA printing funds?
    WEPA print costs per page for residents and commuters
    If the printer jams while printing a document, does the student still get charged for the page?
    Information on printing on campus for both employees and students.
    Can I get compensated for defective printout(s)?
    How to Install WEPA Print App Drivers on a MAC
    How to Install WEPA Print App Drivers on Windows
    How to release your documents at the WEPA kiosk
    Linking and Printing Cloud Accounts on WEPA