When the semester is finished and you are ready to submit your final grades, you will need to login to Web for Faculty. You can login using your BSU account here: https://infobear.bridgew.edu/BANP/twbkwbis.P_WWWLogin - click the "Login with Single Sign-on link; if you are already logged into other BSU services like Microsoft 365 or Blackboard, you will be taken right into the system.
- Once you are logged in, click into the Faculty Services tab at the top OR the Faculty and Advisors link
- Click the Faculty Grade Entry link
- You will see a list of your current or recent courses, click on the one you wish to grade
- There will be a drop-down menu for each student, click it to select their grade
- Click the Save button when you're done. You can save at any time if you have a large class to avoid losing any progress