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This article provides guidance on how to create assignments in Blackboard Ultra
If using an iPad for grading in Blackboard, there may be some issues with accessing grades in the Grade Center, in particular with scrolling left/right or up/down. It seems iOS has a built-in feature that hides scroll bars within a page.
Here is a video on how to use annotate along with the list of files you can view and annotate in the browser, without leaving Blackboard. NOTE: any other file formats or text typed directly into Blackboard will not allow you to use the Annotate tools for grading.
Use these instructions to fix issues where scroll bars on Macs are hidden.
Use these instructions to learn how to create Smart Views for the Grade Center.
Use these guidelines to create a rubric and import/export a rubric into a Blackboard course site.
Use this article to organize your grade center in Blackboard.
Use this article to learn how to export Poll Everywhere student responses to the Blackboard Grade Center.