Assigning Grades
- Navigate to the “Gradebook” tab
- All Gradable Items available under Course Content will be shown here, including assignments, discussions, tests, as well as attendance. The Due Dates will also be shown next to each gradable item.
- Click the “Students” tab to assign and edit grades for specific students.
Gradebook Settings
- Gradebook Settings can be changed by clicking the gear icon in the top right corner while under the Gradebook tab.
- Here, you can set-up or change how the overall grade is calculated: either by points or weighted. Points can be easier for students to view their overall progress, compared to the “weighted” option that shows a percentage.
- Other settings to change include:
- Automatically notifying a student if their overall class grade falls below a certain level
- Assigning automatic zeros for past due work
- Adding a custom grading category
- Creating a Rubric for a large assignment such as a research paper
For a more advanced look at Assigning Grades in Blackboard Ultra, see the Blackboard webpage. Contact the TTC office at for any other questions regarding Blackboard Ultra.