FACULTY: How do I export Poll Everywhere responses to the Blackboard Grade Center?

Be sure you've registered for Poll Everywhere and created your activities prior to completing the following steps.  See this knowledge-base article for more information.

When students complete the poll, the student responses are then recorded and can be exported to Blackboard. You will need to import your student rosters from Blackboard into Poll Everywhere if you plan to track student responses for attendance or grading purposes. If you're not planning to track student responses for grading or attendance, skip this step. 

Import Students

  1. In your Blackboard course, go to a Content Area, click the (+) and choose Content Market
  2. Scroll down and click the (+) in the "Poll Everywhere" tile
  3. Back in the Content Area, click the drop down under the "Poll Everywhere" link and select Visible to Students
  4. Next, click the Poll Everywhere link you created and then click Continue to developer.blackboard.com
  5. If you're not already logged into Poll Everywhere, log in using your BSU credentials
  6. Click the Sync Roster button
  7. After a few minutes, the sync should be complete.  Click the Go to Participants page button to review your imported course roster

NOTE: You will need to redo steps 5-8 if students add/drop your class.  You can also re-sync multiple classes at once using the steps on page 4 of Poll Everywhere's LTI Advantage Blackboard Learn Guide.  This guide also provides instructions on importing Poll Everywhere student scores into your Blackboard Grade Center.

Create a report to export scores to Blackboard Grade Center

Once participants have taken the poll, you would do the following to export to Blackboard Grade Center:

  1. Click Reports on the left navigation bar
  2. Click Create report and select Gradebook
  3. Click Continue
  4. Click My activities folder then select the specific activity you want to export to Blackboard.
  5. Click Create report
    You should now be able to see the grades and participation for the activity.
  6. Click Export on the bottom right end of the page
  7. Select the Blackboard course to which you want it exported.
  8. Select Grade or Participation
    (In order to export students' grades, you must have at least one activity with correctness in your report. Please make sure the activities you include have a correct answer. For more, see the Poll Everywhere support articles.)
  9. Click Next then Close

Now you can go back into your Blackboard course site and view the new grade column in the Gradebook.

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Article ID: 130302
Tue 3/16/21 8:37 AM
Thu 8/15/24 1:35 PM