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    Use this article to learn how to export Poll Everywhere student responses to the Blackboard Grade Center.
    Review this article to discover what Respondus Monitor is and how to get started in using it.
    Use these instructions to provide guidance to faculty who need to provide a Respondus Lockdown Browser exam exemption.
    Review this article if your professor is using Respondus Lockdown Browser or Respondus Monitor this semester.
    Use these instructions to provide guidance to faculty who need to provide a Respondus Monitor exam exemption.
    Review this article to discover what Respondus Lockdown Browser is and how to get started using it.
    Review this article to learn how to get started in accessing BSU's campus license of Poll Everywhere.
    Follow these steps to log in to a "registered" Poll Everywhere poll.
    Use these instructions to gather details about the student losing access to their exam.
    Use these instructions to properly format a Word document to use the Blackboard Test Generator tool.