STUDENT: ULTRA: I was kicked out of my Blackboard exam. What can I do?

Occasionally instructors will allow more than one attempt on an exam so it is beneficial to first check if you can make more than one attempt. If not, you may need to contact your instructor. Only your instructor will be able to reset the exam for you (or TTC staff with instructor permission).

If you are working with the Teaching & Technology Center about a dropped exam, provide as many details as possible so that the TTC can investigate the root cause:

  1. Which course & section did this occur in?
  2. What was the title of the exam and where was it located in the Blackboard course site? 
  3. Were you on a PC or Mac? 
  4. Which browser were you using? - If Respondus Lockdown Browser please note using that browser has special requirements
  5. Did you have any other tabs open while in the exam?  Were you logged into any other BSU applications on this or another computer or phone?
  6. Were you on or off-campus? 
  7. Can you describe the error message you received and provide a screen shot?
  8. What were you doing at the exact moment when the error occurred?

For IT Service Center staff: After getting all relevant info, submit a ticket with details to the Teaching & Technology Center.

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