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    Info regarding a WEPA kiosk printer error message "Collate Fail: Too Many Pages" and fails to print the print job.
    Use these guidelines when you encounter errors copying and pasting text from Word into Blackboard Journals, Assignments, Blogs, and other areas.
    This article provides guidance on Firefox’s Enhanced Tracking Protection (ETP) feature, which can block user credential pass-though to Zoom within Blackboard course sites, and how to disable ETP for Blackboard.
    Having difficulty with Blackboard? Please check to ensure you are using a currently supported Web Browser.
    Use this article to update your Safari preferences when you encounter Session Expired error accessing Zoom from Blackboard. Safari v.14 / (MacOS Big Sur)
    Mac OS security restricts applications from accessing some computer hardware (cameras, microphones, screen sharing, hard drive access, etc) by default unless given permission. Users need to access the Security and Privacy control panel under the OS system preferences to grant this permission.
    Use this article to update web browser settings to enable third party cookies when videos or other third party applications will not load in Blackboard
    Use these instructions to gather details about the student losing access to their exam.