Search17 Results

Start typing to lookup. Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to review results. Press ENTER to select. Press BACKSPACE to remove a selection.
    Lookup Category Clear Category
    Many times, courses get hidden instead of made unavailable to students or private. This results in the course disappearing from an instructors view in Blackboard. Use this knowledgebase article to retrieve a course that has inadvertently been hidden.
    When the semester is finished and you are ready to submit your final grades, you will need to login to Web for Faculty. You can login using your BSU account here: - if you are already logged into other BSU services like Microsoft 365 or Blackboard, you may be taken right into the system.
    This guide helps part-time faculty at Bridgewater State University navigate Blackboard Ultra. Key features include personalizing course sites, creating assignments, and integrating Zoom. Faculty can enhance accessibility using the Blackboard Ally report and utilize AI tools for course design. Access a self-paced teaching essentials course after login for more information, along with resources in the TTC Knowledgebase and updates from Anthology.
    Logging into Web for Faculty
    Are you experiencing a log in problem with Blackboard, Intranet, Wireless, Email, Banner, InfoBear, BSU user account or another IT service?
    Use these troubleshooting steps on to enable Poll Everywhere in Microsoft PowerPoint on your classroom computer.
    How a BSU User Account changes Preferred Name and how it filters throughout all Active Directory linked systems (Banner, Blackboard, Email, etc.)
    Use the guidance in this article to learn how to add publisher content to your Blackboard Ultra courses.
    Use these instructions to guide faculty how to view photos of their students in Web for Faculty.
    This article provides guidance on how new faculty receive their new email/password credentials.
    Use this article for links and information on the transition from Stream Classic to Stream on SharePoint.
    This article contains video links for the new Blackboard Ultra navigation.
    View the PDF for the Blackboard Ultra Roadmap session and links for more upcoming info via this knowledgebase article.
    This article provides more information about Progress Tracking in Blackboard Ultra.