Change Preferred Name on BSU Accounts

BSU offers a preferred name option to those individuals who would like to be referred to by a first name that is different from their legal name. People can change their preferred name in Banner which in turn will change their name on class rosters, in the global directory, and for the email display name (but will not change the email address itself). They may also change their preferred name in Blackboard as well for when they are posting in class discussion boards, submitting assignments and in the grade center.  

Steps to Follow to change Preferred Name:

  1. Go to InfoBear (students/staff) or Web for Faculty (faculty) and login using Single Sign On (full function) - NOTE: you must be on a secured network for the links to work.  Access from unsecured (open) networks will result in an error
  2. Select the Personal Information tab or link
  3. From the list, select Update Preferred First Name
  4. In the text box, enter the preferred name and select Update Name
  5. The first name will change on class rosters, grade lists, and the Global Directory's email display name
  6. After updating this name, you can go to the Connect Card office to receive a new card with the updated name
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