FACULTY: ULTRA: How do I batch edit or update dates or visibility for all of my Blackboard content?

Instead of editing the settings for every single piece of content in your course, you can batch edit the due dates and visibility of any number of content items or delete content items at once.

To access the batch editing tool in Blackboard, follow these instructions:

  1. On your course's Course Content page, click the menu ellipsis that is to the right.
  2. Select Batch Edit from the drop-down menu
    An image of the location of the batch editing option
  3. Check off the item or items that you wish to edit due dates or visibility for. You may also click the top box to select all items.
  4. Click the Options box in the lower right corner
    An image of the options available under batch editing
  5. Select to edit the dates or visibility or to delete the chosen item or items
  6. To change due date based on course start, you must set the current start date of an item and a new start date. This option will shift the due dates of all pieces of content that were selected by the same number of days. Alternatively, you can change all of the due dates by a specific number of days. Then, click Edit Dates.
    An image of the options to batch edit due dates
  7. To change visibility, you click whether you want all items hidden or visible, then click Save Visibility
    An image of the prompt to batch edit visibility settings
  8. Click the X in the upper left corner to return to your main course page when you are done.

This video demonstrates how batch editing works: 

For more information about batch editing, read this Blackboard article

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