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Many times, courses get hidden instead of made unavailable to students or private. This results in the course disappearing from an instructors view in Blackboard. Use this knowledgebase article to retrieve a course that has inadvertently been hidden.
The official BSU Blackboard Course/Zoom Recording Retention Policy
If you have a course that has been selected to use an online course evaluation, your students will receive emails with a link to complete the evaluation. You can also add a link to your Blackboard Ultra course site to help students reach the evaluation.
This article provides guidance on how to copy content from an existing Blackboard course site (course copy) into an Ultra course.
Blackboard allows you to "complete" a course, leaving it open for students but no longer allowing any submissions or editing.
We attempt to create Blackboard sites at or near the same time that registration occurs. Users should begin seeing their next semester courses on this schedule:
Use these instructions when faculty and students are having difficulty locating their Blackboard course sites from the Courses module in Blackboard.
These step-by-step questions should guide an IT Service Center or TTC staff member through the options to consider when a student cannot see their Blackboard course listed.
Learn how to filter your Blackboard course list by term and how to mark courses as favorites.
This article provides guidance on what students need to do to gain access to a past Blackboard course site.
Use this article to ensure videos in your Blackboard Ultra Course sites are accessible to your students in an efficient and equitable manner. Don't burden them with having to download large video files, host them online!