STUDENT: ULTRA: I can log into Blackboard but can't see my course listed. What could be the problem?

If you can log into Blackboard but cannot see your course listed, one of the following reasons may apply:

  1. The Teaching & Technology Center has not made all Blackboard course sites available yet to students. The TTC does this at noon the day before the start of each semester. You should see your course sites listed, but they will be inaccessible until the instructor has made the site available.  
  2. The instructor has not made the Blackboard course available to students yet.
    1. Instructors can make their sites available by following the steps in our PDF doc or the steps in our video guide.
  3. You may have more courses than are displayed on the first page of the Courses module in Blackboard. By default, the display is 25 items per page. Click the drop down in the upper right corner to change this display to 50 or 100 courses. You can filter courses by term by clicking the drop down next to Current Courses at the top of the page and selecting the current semester from the list. View this video for additional tips on course organization in Blackboard.
  4. Recent registration. If you have just registered for the course through InfoBear, it may take up to 2 hours before the course shows up in your Blackboard course listings. 
  5. Dropped course. If you dropped or were removed from the course but decide you want to continue, your account is still in the Blackboard site (but disabled). You should work with the Registrar's Office  and/or instructor to restore your access if you no longer want to drop the course.  

If none of these situations apply, please feel free to reach out to the Teaching & Technology Center staff so we can investigate further.

For IT Service Center staff:  IT Staff with Blackboard Administrator access can determine if a site is available or not.  Proceed to the Admin Panel > Courses > and search for the course.  Once you locate the course in the listings, if there is a red circle with a white X through it next to the course under the "Status" heading, the course is unavailable to students.  You should reach out to the instructor to ask that the site be made available.  

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