Charging Lockers, Stations, and Tables


Kwikboost charging lockers secure and charge personal devices (phone, tablet, ipad, chromebook, etc.). Individual lockers, equipped with charging cables, are located in the Moakley Atrium, Rondileau Student Union (ground floor lounge), and Maxwell Library (ground floor lobby). If not able to reopen the locker, please contact the IT Service Counter in the Maxwell Library or call extension 2555 or 508.531.2555 if the issue occurs during the day. If the IT Service Center is closed, select "Request Assistance." Be sure to include specific details. A support staff member will be in contact when the IT Service Center reopens.

Available to:

Employees (Faculty, Staff, and Contractors) and Students

Solutions, Resources, and Information:

Please search the IT Knowledge Base for the most common solutions to many technical issues.

Request Assistance:

To request this service, select "Request Assistance."

Additional Contact Information:

IT Service Center

508.531.2555 -

Request Assistance

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