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    Services or Offerings?
    Information on classroom and lab software and semester request process

    The Advancement Operations team is responsible for all aspects of database management for the University Advancement division and Office of Alumni Relations including; alumni and donor records, data standards, querying and reporting, and analytical reporting. The Advancement Operations team protects the privacy of its constituents.

    Online tool for Banner ID/InfoBear

    Please refer to Library Services for borrowing projectors, screens, and other equipment

    Charging lockers and stations (also known as Kwikboost) for mobile devices

    Technology in classrooms and labs

    Information on training for media and audio-visual equipment in classrooms

    Computers, devices, tablets, docking station, webcam, headset, monitors, or printers

    Departmental and/or individual security consultations

    Use this form to submit prospect contact report.

    Submit requests for creative services or publications such as brochures, invitations, postcards, flyers, etc. Once a request is submitted a member of our team will reach out to you to further discuss your project needs.

    Usernames and passwords, permissions for accounts (including self-service password reset tool or multi-factor authentication/MFA information) and accounts in general

    Request equipment for newly-hired employees.