Knowledge Base

Categories (10)

Employment & Involvement

Information about residence hall programming, staffing, student employment opportunities, & resources.

Housing Assignments

Room Selection, Room Changes, Living Learning Communities (LLCs), Break and Summer Housing, Important dates and timelines

Important Campus Resources

Resources from campus partners that resident students utilize to navigate and improve their residential experience.

Important Dates for Resident Students

Important dates for current and prospective resident students.

Mediation & Room Changes

Information and resources pertaining to requesting a room change and/or navigating roommate conflicts.

Move In & Move Out Processes

Information about moving into the residence halls and the process of moving out of the residence halls.

Policies & Procedures

Important residence halls policies, procedures and guidelines.

Residence Life & Housing Team

RLH contains four service areas: Residence Life, Res Hall Operations & Assignments, Residential Safety, & main office operations.

Res Hall License Agreement

The Residence Hall License Agreement is a contract that are resident students sign in order to secure housing for each academic year.

Residential Safety

The Residential Safety program works to keep the residence hall communities safe and conducive to student learning.