Policies & Procedures

Important residence halls policies, procedures and guidelines.

Articles (16)

BSU Alcohol Policy Information

Information about the BSU Alcohol Policy.

Cleaning/Care of Rooms & Trash Removal

Information about expectations of care and cleanliness of residence hall living environments.

Damage Billing Policy

Residence Hall damage billing policy for individual student rooms and shared community spaces.

Drug Free Policy

Information about the BSU Drug Free policy.

Entry Into Resident Student Rooms

Information about university entry into student residence hall rooms.

Fundraising Guidelines

Information about BSU affiliated groups fundraising within the residence halls.

Furniture Policy

Information on the residence hall furniture policy.

Lock Out and Connect Card Policies

Information about what to do when a student is locked out of their room and about carrying and utilizing their BSU Connect Card.

Malicious Fire Alarm Policy

Information about the malicious fire alarm and fire safety policies.

Personal Property Insurance Guideline

Information on protecting personal belongings via insurance policies.

Public Health Policy

Information about BSU's Public Health Policy.

Residence Hall Policies & Procedures(From BSU Student Handbook)

Link to the Residence Hall Policies and Procedures from the BSU Student Handbook.

Room Decoration Policy

Information about Room Decorations policy.

Sharing of Student Information

Information about Residence Life & Housing's ability to share student information with parents, family members, guardians, or other key members of a student's support networks.

Window Posting Policy Information

Information about the residence hall window posting policy.