ALL USERS: Students unable to embed content - such as video - in Blackboard Discussion Forums

In Blackboard, only instructors can embed certain types of content in Discussion Board posts due to security settings related to user roles. Here’s a quick guide on what you can and can’t do:

What Instructors Can Embed:

  • Google Slides
  • PowerPoint presentations
  • Poll Everywhere polls
  • Screencast-O-Matic videos within Discussion Board posts

What Students and Guests Can Embed:

  • YouTube videos

Note: Students and guest users cannot embed Google Slides, PowerPoint, Poll Everywhere polls, or Screencast-O-Matic videos.

Recommended Solution for Students:

Instead of embedding videos directly, students should post a hyperlink to the video within their discussion board posts. This ensures that everyone can access the content without any embedding issues.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure a smoother experience when sharing and viewing content in Blackboard Discussion Boards.

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