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Learn how to filter your Blackboard course list by term and how to mark courses as favorites.
Use these instructions to guide a faculty member on how to copy an existing course site and materials into a new Blackboard course site.
Use these instructions to manually add a user into a Blackboard course site.
Use these instructions to assist faculty in making their Blackboard course sites available or unavailable to students.
If using an iPad for grading in Blackboard, there may be some issues with accessing grades in the Grade Center, in particular with scrolling left/right or up/down. It seems iOS has a built-in feature that hides scroll bars within a page.
With recent advances in mobile browsers and a lack of updates for the Blackboard mobile student and instructor apps, it is the recommendation of the TTC that you delete any Bb app you may still be using, and use your phone or tablet’s mobile browser instead.
Due to security settings tied to blackboard user roles, only instructors are able to embed some content such as google slides, powerpoint, and screencast-o-matic videos within Discussion Board posts.
If you want to see more details about a student attempt on one of your exams, follow these steps. This can be used to corroborate a student report if anything goes wrong on an exam.
If you have an empty content area as the top option in your content menu, Blackboard will default to the first available item, in this case the Zoom tool. Use these instructions to fix it so that another area is the default entry point for your course.
Here is a video on how to use annotate along with the list of files you can view and annotate in the browser, without leaving Blackboard. NOTE: any other file formats or text typed directly into Blackboard will not allow you to use the Annotate tools for grading.
If you want to download just the files from a course (or a subset of those files) without creating a Blackboard archive, you can follow these steps
This article will try and define the Blackboard writing tools, show the differences between them and potential usage for each.
Use the guidance in this article to resolve the issue of not being able to view students' names in Blackboard Attendance and provide grades.
Use these instructions to fix issues where scroll bars on Macs are hidden.
Many times, courses get hidden instead of made unavailable to students or private. This results in the course disappearing from an instructors view in Blackboard. Use this knowledgebase article to retrieve a course that has inadvertently been hidden.