How to Manually Add a Generic Inbox to Mac Outlook Desktop Application

Note: You will need the appropriate account permissions to add a shared/ generic mailbox to outlook. If you cannot add the mailbox or are unsure they have the permissions please ask the shared account owner to submit a ticket to request permissions for you.

To Add to Outlook for Mac please do the following:

  1. Open the Outlook application. Select Tools > Accounts... in the Outlook main menu.
  2. On the Accounts dialog box, click on the Advanced... button in the lower right corner.
  3. Click on the Delegates tab.
  4. Just below the Open these additional mailboxes box (the lower of the two boxes):
    • Click on the + button to add a new account.
    • On the Choose a Person dialog box, type in the name of the shared mailbox, select the account in the list, then click on the Add button.
    • Click on the OK button in the lower right corner.
  5. Close the Accounts dialog box.
  6. If you see the Outlook was redirected to the server auto-discover... dialog box:
    • Click on the Always use my response for this server checkbox
    • Click on the Allow button.
  7. After a short period of time, the new shared mailbox will appear as a folder in the Accounts list on the left side of your Outlook window.
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