FACULTY: ULTRA: How do I make my Ultra course site open/available or closed/unavailable to students?

Your Blackboard course site becomes accessible to students the day before classes commence each semester. Until then, students won't be able to view the course. You have the option to grant access earlier by opening the course or restricting access while you build or update content. You also have the option to mark the course complete at the end of the term, which allows students to view the content, but not participate in the course. For example, they would not be able to contribute to discussions.

Follow these steps to change the availability of the course:

To open or close a site, click on the ellipsis (...) in the course tile and select "course settings".
Blackboard course tile with "course settings" menu option highlighted

(This menu can also be accessed using the gear icon on the top-right from within the Blackboard site.)


Use the toggle button to either open or close the site to students
Blackboard course access menu with "open/close course" toggle highlighted

The current course status will be displayed at the top of the course site and on the tile icon in the main course listings.

Blackboard course tile (open) Blackboard course tile (closed)

Follow these Blackboard Ultra instructions to learn more about course availability settings.