How to Map a Network Drive

BSU offers multiple network folders to its employees and students:

  • Departmental Folder or G: Drive (employees only)
  • WebHost Folder or W: Drive

These network locations should automatically map on BSU-provided Windows computers while on-campus (employee-assigned computers as well as public, classroom, and lab computers).  Apple Mac users will need to manually connect to these locations if needed.

If using a BSU-provided computer off-campus, you will need to connect to our VPN in order to access network folders (see setup instructions HERE if you do not have the VPN software installed). 

If you are a new employee, you may need your supervisor to contact IT in order to request access to the department folder on your behalf.  

If your network folder is not connecting as expected, you can manually connect by completing the steps below that correspond to your computer type.



  1. Right-click on My Computer or This PC 
  2. Select Map Network Drive
  3. Within the dialogue that pops up, choose the drive letter from the drop-down
  4. Type in the full path to the network drive in the Folder field (ex. \\\dfs\yourdeptdrivename )
    • If you're connecting to the G: Drive (department drive) and you are unsure as to the file path, you may need to get it from a supervisor or coworker.
    • If you're connecting to the W: (WebHost) drive the file path is  \\webhost\yourusername
  5. Check the Reconnect at Login box so that they do not have to map on every login
  6. Leave Login with Different Credentials unchecked
  7. Click Finish 

If you are unsuccessful in mapping the drive you may not have the permissions for it and your supervisor may need to request permissions for you by contacting the IT Service Center.  


  1. From the MacOS Finder, press Command+K to bring up the Connect to Server window (or, with the Finder active, select the Go menu along the top of your screen and select Connect to Server)
  2. Enter the path to the desired network drive, ie: smb:// and click Connect
    Note: It must include the SMB:// prefix because this is how it knows that the folder is in a Windows system
    • If you're connecting to the G: Drive (department drive) and you are unsure as to the file path, you may need to get it from a supervisor or coworker.
    • If you're connecting to the W: (WebHost) drive the file path is  smb://webhost/yourusername
  3. If prompted, select "Registered User" and enter your username and password then click “OK” to mount the network drive
  4. The drive will now appear on your desktop and in the Finder window sidebar
  5. You may be prompted to enter credentials. You will need to enter your BSU Username and Password. You can also select Remember this Password in my Keychain so the Mac will save the credentials.
  6. When successfully connected to the shared drive it will appear on your desktop. You can press the control key and right-click on the drive, then select Make Alias and you can name the drive anything you would like. 
  7. If you create an alias, the next time you want to connect to your network share, double click the shared alias (the drive that was just created) on your desktop and it will open up and automatically log in.  You may be prompted for your username and password in order to complete the connection.



If you are unsuccessful in mapping the drive you may not have the permissions for it and your supervisor may need to request permissions for you by contacting the IT Service Center. 

Are you in need of further assistance?  Click here for more information on how you can contact us

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