When you use the internet, your computer stores information from frequently visited locations that allow your computer to save time loading pages in a file called a cache. You can clear this information for privacy reasons, or free up short-term storage space on your computer. If you need to clear your cache on Safari, please follow these steps:
- Click Safari on the upper left-hand side of your screen. In the menu that appears, click Preferences.
![Safari Preferences Safari Preferences](https://kb.wisc.edu/images/group1/45060/safari_preferences.png)
- In the window that appears, click the Privacy tab. Click the button Manage Website Data.
![ScreenShot2014-11-17at6.12.25PM ScreenShot2014-11-17at6.12.25PM](https://bridgew.teamdynamix.com/TDPortal/Images/Viewer?fileName=b54465e1-7562-48bc-b298-3332c0f30f50.png)
- Click Remove All in the pop-up window that appears.
![ScreenShot2014-11-17at6.12.56PM ScreenShot2014-11-17at6.12.56PM](https://bridgew.teamdynamix.com/TDPortal/Images/Viewer?fileName=93595891-9df4-4e18-bee6-d94e4c261e36.png)