How To: WEPA file upload printing method

Please Note: There is a file size limit of 20 mb for print jobs using this method.
To print larger files, you must print from a computer with WEPA print drivers installed. 

  1. Log into

  1. Select ‘Document Upload

  1. Select ‘Choose your File


  1. Select your document and click open


  1. Select your print options: number of copies, single sided/double sided, color/B&W, etc.
  2. When you are satisfied with your print options, select ‘Send print options



  1. Your document has been successfully sent to the WEPA cloud and you have been given a WEPA release code.
    Remember, your documents are secure and will not be printed on the printer until you go the printer to release them.



Print Article

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Directions to login to the Wepanow page
Directions to print from the WEPA Mobile App (Apple iOS and Android)
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