FACULTY: ULTRA: How do I set up automatic grade posting for assignments?

By default, grades are not posted automatically. You can change this setting for each assignment if you wish grades to be posted automatically as soon as an attempt is graded.

1. Access the settings for the assignment you wish to modify by clicking the gear icon. The gear icon is available when creating and when editing an assignment. Another way to access this setting is to click Change grade posting setting, also in assignment settings. 

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2. Once you are in the assignment or the grade setting, scroll down to Assessment Grade as shown in the image below.

3. Select Post Assessment Grades Automatically.

4. Click Save.

Note: The automatic setting is not selected by default for assignments, but it is for new tests. You can always turn automatic posting back off by unchecking the box and posting it manually.

Post assessment grades automatically checkbox is shown on the test settings panel

To learn more, see this KB article on creating an Assignment in Ultra

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