If a student reports that they cannot log into Blackboard, it could be any of the following reasons:
- Cached Passwords: Does the student have an old password cached in their browser? They should try logging in without the cached password to confirm if their new password is working.
- Correct Username: Is the student using the correct username? Students must log in by entering their BSU username and password. They should not include the @student.bridgew.edu part of their username, though. Example of a correct Blackboard username: m1student (everything before the @ in your BSU email)
- Email Login: Can the student log into their BSU email account? If so, please do not have the student reset their password; submit a ticket for IT to investigate further. However, if the student cannot log into BSU email, please instruct the user how to reset their BSU password.
- Course Registration:Has the student registered for courses yet in InfoBear? If the student is new and has not signed up for courses yet, the student will not be able to log into Blackboard until registering for courses, and then they should have access within 2 hours.
- Disabled Account: The student's BSU account could be disabled. If you can confirm that the account is disabled, please work with IT to re-enable the account. Once their BSU account is re-enabled, they should have access to Blackboard within 2 hours.