Email: Find and release quarantined messages in Office 365

Email Quarantine

If you have recently received messages that were quarantined (messages quarantined since your last notification), you will receive a notification message from listing the sender, subject, and date the message was received.  The purpose of this notification is to inform you of these messages in case they were inadvertently flagged as suspicious.  Office 365 prevented these messages from being delivered to your inbox because they displayed characteristics similar to spam or phishing messages.

Where is the quarantine?
Your quarantine is located in Office 365 here:

What is the quarantine?
Message quarantine is a special place for email messages that have characteristics similar to spam and/or phishing messages.

How do I access my quarantine?
You can access your quarantine by navigating to​​​​​​​

How do I stop messages from being quarantined?
You can add individual email addresses to your safe sender list by following the instructions for either Outlook Web Access or the Outlook Client (full desktop application).

Outlook Web Access instructions:
Outlook Client Instructions:

How do I automatically add recipients of my email messages to the Safe Sender list?
You can automatically add recipients of your email messages to the Safe Sender list by following Microsoft's instructions here:


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