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    Info regarding a WEPA kiosk printer error message "Collate Fail: Too Many Pages" and fails to print the print job.
    When a student runs out of their $25 allocation, how can they add WEPA printing funds?
    WEPA print costs per page for residents and commuters
    If the printer jams while printing a document, does the student still get charged for the page?
    Information on printing on campus for both employees and students.
    Can I get compensated for defective printout(s)?
    How to Install WEPA Print App Drivers on a MAC
    How to Install WEPA Print App Drivers on Windows
    Linking and Printing Cloud Accounts on WEPA
    How to use the WEPA email-to-print (ETOP) service.
    At what point in the printing process do students get charged for their printed documents?
    Directions to login to the Wepanow page
    This page includes links to all the articles for Wepa Printers copied over from the Wepa Training Manual composed by the RESNET group.