Knowledge Base

Categories (11)

Accounts and Passwords

Login password resets and troubleshooting, account corrections, and access for guests.


Residential Technology - This category contains information for resident students in regard to ResNet technical support and services.

IT Project Management

This Knowledge Base Category contains articles about IT Project Management and the Team Dynamix PPM and ITSM system.

Information Security

Information about spam, suspicious emails, and keeping your data secure.

Email, Communication, and Collaboration

Information about Microsoft Office 365, email lists, shared email boxes, etc.

Service Catalog

Public articles for IT services through Service Catalog.

Infrastructure Services

Infrastructure Services

Website Design & Collaboration

Information about Website Design & Collaboration Tools

Voice Communications

This knowledge base category reflects telephone services offered by the Division of Information Technology.

Network and Connectivity

Connecting to the BSU Wired and Wireless Network

Teaching and Technology Center

Blackboard, Mirroring360, Zoom, Screencast-o-matic, Poll Everywhere, Padlet, and more!

Articles (1)